Friday, November 18 • 12:00 - 12:50
Java 9 and the Impact on Maven Projects - Robert Scholte, Apache Maven Team

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Since the early-access releases of Java 9 became available, the Apache Maven team has been testing this product and enhancing its build management tool to support the new features. Especially the modular system described in JSR 376 requires changes to adopt this specification. The Maven team is involved in the discussions about the refinements of these specifications to improve the adoption of the modular system. This session highlights the JEPs and JSRs that are now supported by Maven and what they mean for all Maven projects.

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Robert Scholte

Robert Scholte is a member of the Apache Maven team for over five years and is the current chairman of this project. He is currently very active in adopting Java 9 and making Maven ready to use it once Java 9 is officially released. Robert is one of the key persons maintaining contact... Read More →

Friday November 18, 2016 12:00 - 12:50 CET
Santa Cruz